The Monkey King and the Mangoes

The Monkey King and the Mangoes

Once upon a time, there was a monkey king named Kapi who lived in a forest with his tribe. One day, Kapi saw a mango tree full of ripe and juicy mangoes. He wanted to eat them all but knew that he couldn't do it alone. So, he called upon his tribe and told them about the mango tree. They all agreed to help Kapi get the mangoes, and he promised to share them equally among them.

Kapi was a wise monkey and knew that the mangoes were not only delicious but also valuable. He decided to sell them in the market and earn some money. The monkeys collected all the mangoes and carried them to the market. Kapi went to the market and found a buyer who was willing to pay a high price for the mangoes.

As Kapi was bargaining with the buyer, a group of hungry dogs passed by. They saw the mangoes and started barking at the monkeys, trying to scare them away. The monkeys got scared and ran away, leaving behind the mangoes.

Kapi, being the wise king, knew that he had to come up with a plan to get the mangoes back. He gathered all the monkeys and explained his plan. He told them to lie down as if they were dead, and when the dogs came closer, they would jump up and scare them away.

The monkeys did as they were told, and when the dogs came closer, they jumped up and scared them away. Kapi and his tribe were able to get the mangoes back and went back to the market to sell them. They made a good profit and shared it equally among themselves.

From then on, Kapi and his tribe were known as wise and clever monkeys who knew how to protect what was theirs.

The Moral of the Story :

wisdom and cleverness can help one overcome any challenge. Kapi, the monkey king, was wise enough to come up with a plan to protect the mangoes from the dogs and was able to get them back. He also showed that it is important to share equally with others, as he promised to do with his tribe. This story teaches us that by using our intelligence and sharing it with others, we can overcome obstacles and achieve success.


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